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Efficient auditing

Compliance, KYC, cybersecurity, GDPR and risk management are all areas where companies must be able to effectively audit their processes. Using automation and blockchain for these audits helps them move forward easily and efficiently.

cybersecurity and NIS2 regulation
Efficient auditing

Maximize Security, Minimize Risk: How NIS2 Affects Your Business

NIS2 Directive is an essential EU regulation ensuring online security. If you’re a part of a European organization, complying with NIS2 isn’t just legal – it’s also a success strategy in the digital world. Let’s dive into NIS2’s key points, what it means for businesses and how to keep pace with the fast-changing cybersecurity scene.

Speed SEO
Efficient auditing

Priority to the loading speed of a site

Loading speed has become one of the most important criteria in web strategy. And this for two main reasons: Internet users are less and less patient and Google considers the display speed as a major differentiation criterion.